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- A global plastid phylogeny of the brake fern genus Pteris (Pteridaceae) and related genera in the Pteridoideae.
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- Circumscription and phylogeny of the fern family Tectariaceae based on plastid and nuclear markers, with the description of two new genera: Draconopteris and Malaifilix (Tectariaceae).
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- Two sections of Phlegmariurus (Herter) Holub (Huperziaceae) from China.
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- Molecular circumscription and major evolutionary lineages of the fern genus Dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae).
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- Didymochlaenaceae: A new fern family of eupolypods I (Polypodiales).
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- The inclusion of Acrophorus, Diacalpe, Nothoperanema, and Peranema in Dryopteris: The molecular phylogeny, systematics, and nomenclature of Dryopteris subg.
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- How many species of bracken (Pteridium) are there? Assessing the Chinese brackens using molecular evidence.
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- A large-scale phylogeny of the lycophyte genus Selaginella (Selaginellaceae: Lycopodiopsida) based on plastid and nuclear loci.